KDEPIM ready to be more broadly tested

As was posted a couple of weeks ago, the latest version of KDEPIM has been uploaded to unstable. All packages are now uploaded and built and we believe this version is ready to be more broadly tested. If you run unstable but have refrained from installing the kdepim packages up …

Upcoming KDEPIM changes in unstable (KMail, Kontact, KOrganizer, etc)

For those who care about kdepim (kmail, kontact, korganizer, etc) Currently the latest version of kdepim is available in experimental. According to our limited tests it's working way better than kdepim 4.14 (more stable, more performant, less bugs). However migrating from one to the other is not a trivial …

Do you want Qt5's QWebEngine in Debian? Do you have library packaging skills? If so, step up!

So far the only missing submodule in Debian's Qt5 stack is QtWebEngine. None of us the current Qt maintainers have the time/will to do the necessary stuff to have it properly packaged. So if you would like to have QtWebEngine in Debian and: You have C++ libraries' packaging skills …

Important Akonadi fix in today's Debian Jessie's update (aka 8.2)

Todays Debian Jessie's update brings a fix in Akonadi that you certainly want in your system. There was a bug in Akonadi that made it leak files. And if you use Kmail you will certainly want to keep reading: most of us who tested it before pushing it to testing …