Articles tagged with #cmake

CMake toolchain files with Debian's cross compilers

Almost a year ago I added a script made by Helmut Grohne that is able to create a CMake toolchain file pre-filled with Debian-specifics ross compilers. The tool is installed by the cmake package and located at /usr/share/cmake/debtoolchainfilegen. It's usage is simple: debtoolchainfilegen (arch) > cmake_toolchain_.cmake …

Cross compiling CMake-based projects using Ubuntu/Debian's multi arch

As you probably already know Ubuntu (and then Debian) added Multi-Arch support quite some time ago. This means that you can install library packages from multiple architectures on the same machine. Thanks to the work of many people, in which I would like to specially mention Helmut Grohne, we are …

Developing an nrf51822 based embedded device with Qt Creator and Debian

I'm currently developing an nRF51822-based embedded device. Being one the Qt/Qt Creator maintainers in Debian I would of course try to use it for the development. Turns out it works pretty good... with some caveats. There are already two quite interesting blog posts about using Qt Creator on MAC …

Moviendo partículas y binarizando imágenes

Como parte de la entrega del trabajo práctico Nº 1 de la materia HPC\@UNS era requerido hacer una página web con los resultados. Me pareció mas práctico usar mi blog... y acá estamos. [Partículas en movimiento]{.Apple-style-span style="font-size: x-large;"} La primera parte del TP era ir a un …