Qt 5.2.0 in Debian experimental, now available for more archs

Qt 5.2.0 is already available in experimental until we get a transition slot, but don't be afraid to test it. With this release we had major improvements. With 5.1.1 currently in sid we have the following buildd chart: Qt 5.1.1 in Debian Sid Now …

Qt in Debian: using Qt4 and/or Qt5 in your packages

Hi everyone! We now have both Qt4 and Qt5 in the archive. Those using Qt4 should not need to make any changes in their packages, although you can be extra-safe with a few steps. Don't rush, just read below. Note 2014-12-12: the current official doc is available here. Some background …

My experiences with KMail2 in Debian

Thanks to the Qt/KDE team, specially to Maxy who has done most of the packaging and uploading, sid users are now enjoying KDE 4.10.5, including the new KDE PIM stuff that we have held out for the Wheezy release. I started using KMail2 (inside Kontact) a few …

Presenting qtchooser

A few days ago we the Qt/KDE team uploaded a new tool in the Qt ecosystem: qtchooser. This tool is a wrapper tool used to select between different Qt versions. Of course, the first and easiest example is choosing between Qt4 and Qt5. But it doesn't end there: it …