Removing Qt 4 from Debian testing (aka Buster): some statistics

I have just looked upon our Qt 4 removal wiki page to see how we are doing. Out of 438 bugs filled: 88 (20.09%) have been already fixed by either porting the app/library to Qt 5 or a removal from the archive has happened. On most cases the …

Qt 4 and 5 and OpenSSL1.0 removal

Today we received updates on the OpenSSL 1.0 removal status: \ \ So those removal bugs' severities will be raised to RC in aproximately a month. We still don't have any …

Qt 4 removal in Debian testing (Buster)/unstable

We have been announcing it: we are going to remove Qt 4 during the Buster cycle. Or at least that's the best outcome we can expect. Removing a very highly used library is hard, as Qt4's Webkit has proved. Qt 4 is long dead upstream and we have already started …

Qt 5.7 submodules that didn't make it to Stretch but will be in testing

There are two Qt 5.7 submodules that we could not package in time for Strech but are/will be available in their 5.7 versions in testing. This are qtdeclarative-render2d-plugin and qtvirtualkeyboard. declarative-render2d-plugin makes use of the Raster paint engine instead of OpenGL to render the contents of a …