Running MPLAB X with a PickIt 3 on Debian sid

Due to \$JOB I need to work with MPLAB X (I wish I could simply open Qt Creator...). MPLAB X's installation went straightforward, but I could not make the PickIt 3 to work. So I ran MPLAB X from a console and got: [\$ /opt/microchip/mplabx/v4.15/mplab_ide/bin …

moving Qt 4 from Debian testing (aka Buster): some statistics, update II

As in my previous blogpost I'm taking a look at our Qt4 removal wiki page. Of a total of 438 filed bugs: 181 bugs (41.32%) have been already fixed by either porting the app/library to Qt 5 or a removal from the archive has happened. On most cases …

Experimental cross compiling Qt in Debian packages

Some time ago we the Qt/KDE team were contacted by [Helmut Grohne. He was trying to cross compile Debian packages in general thanks to Ubuntu/Debian's multi-arch support, and he was having problems with Qt-based ones.]{style="background-color: white;"} [[ ]{style="background-color: white;"}]{style="font-family: inherit;"}[As far as we …

Removing Qt 4 from Debian testing (aka Buster): some statistics

I have just looked upon our Qt 4 removal wiki page to see how we are doing. Out of 438 bugs filled: 88 (20.09%) have been already fixed by either porting the app/library to Qt 5 or a removal from the archive has happened. On most cases the …