Porting Qt 4 apps to Qt 5: an example with QAntenna

As a followup for my previous blog post, I decided to port QAntenna to Qt 5. Here's my experience. First of all, I ran Qt 5's qmake: qmake -qt5 Then I just ran make: make The first error that appeared was that QFileDialog does not has a setFilters() method. I …

Does your app use Qt4? You better start porting it to Qt5

As you might know, Qt 4 is now in bug-fixes-only maintenance mode. This means that only bug fixes are allowed to be pushed to Qt 4's repository, but no new features. On the other hand, Qt 5 is already here. Porting existing apps from Qt 4 to Qt 5 is …

Qt 5.2.0 in testing

Today we have Qt 5.2.0 in testing, a.k.a. Jessie. On the other hand we are slowly pushing 5.2.1 to experimental. Enjoy! P.S.: yes, this is turning more into tweets rather than blog posts :-)

Qt 5.2.0 in unstable

We the Qt/KDE team have the pleasure to announce that we currently have Qt 5.2.0 in unstable. It brings Qt 5 to all official archs in Debian, minus some stuff that needs porting like Qt Webkit. We hope to get this version in testing soon :-)