Articles tagged with #hardware

On configuring RAK LoRa devices, or how to avoid their Windows-only serial application

tl;dr: use a serial terminal which can buffer input and send it all at once, lines should end with \CR\LF. I'm am currently working on bringing up a LoRa network in Bahía Blanca. Parts of the nodes I need to set up are made by RAK Wireless. According …

Simplified Monitoring of Patients in Situations of Mass Hospitalization (MoSimPa) - Fighting COVID-19

I have been quite absent from Debian stuff lately, but this increased since COVID-19 hits us. In this blog post I'll try to sketch what I have been doing to help fight COVID-19 this last few months. In the beginning When the pandemic reached Argentina the government started a quarantine …

Running MPLAB X with a PickIt 3 on Debian sid

Due to \$JOB I need to work with MPLAB X (I wish I could simply open Qt Creator...). MPLAB X's installation went straightforward, but I could not make the PickIt 3 to work. So I ran MPLAB X from a console and got: [\$ /opt/microchip/mplabx/v4.15/mplab_ide/bin …

Developing an nrf51822 based embedded device with Qt Creator and Debian

I'm currently developing an nRF51822-based embedded device. Being one the Qt/Qt Creator maintainers in Debian I would of course try to use it for the development. Turns out it works pretty good... with some caveats. There are already two quite interesting blog posts about using Qt Creator on MAC …