I want a N810 too!!!

Nokia has been giving free N810 to developers at aKademy](http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3605). I have seen two or three here in DebConf8, and they are [simple great. Imagine having Debian with KDE running in those little precious things... do not. They do :-D Sadly, they will cost …

I guess I did not explain myself correctly

Today I was in Paul Wise's BOF "Bits from NMs and users"](https://penta.debconf.org/penta/schedule/dc8/event/270.en.html). As the talk was about what users like and do not like about Debian, I asked why do we don't have a simple way of doing a …

DebConf starts!

And in the front desk we are ready to give bags and T-Shirts to 96 people according to Penta. Today Christoph Helwigg arrived. He suscribed to Penta yesterday, so we don't know if we have room for him :S (of course that's fixable). So, let's see what happens :-D

Nuevo nick en IRC

Gracias a Amaya y a Zer0mdq, ahora tengo nuevo nick en IRC, PowerMan. Suena a típico héroe de cuarta, pero la verdad es que tiene una lógica por detrás: en cierta forma soy el encargado de la parte eléctrica de DebConf. Gran parte del trabajo lo hizo la gente del …