QAntenna has been having some bugs since the change from Qt 4.3 to 4.4. They are all fixed in the trunk, and we are now working for a minor release (0.2.1). Today I'll try to fix the normals of the radiation patterns, as they are really …
Luego de ver morir a dos chicos en un accidente innecesario [0], con una amiga nos propusimos hacer un curso de primeros auxilios. Y eso pudimos hacer esta semana, en un curso básico dictado por la gente de Socorro, Emergencias, Rescate (S.E.R.). Para ser que soy una persona …
I am a user of KDELirc (aka irkick) and I found that there is no port planned for it to KDE 4 :-( I'll try to do it myself, and this will be a great challenge, as I have never programmed something using KDE libs nor Qt 3 (well, I did …
Following the example of a friend, I started to pusblish some images of my "little criatures" in my web. The last of them it's a program made with Qt 4 that uses GLSL. This is a mixture between my last practice assignment (B-Splines) and the final work (GLSL) for the …