En Bahía Blanca no se puede...

...conseguir un adaptador IDE - mini IDE sin pedirlo afuera :-(

QAntenna being recommended

Pablo Odorico pointed me to some links of universities subjects recommending QAntenna :-D It is very good to see that someone uses our humble software :-) It's a pity that my studies do not allow me to code much :-( There are lot of things I would like to improve and/or …

Yo, mi alma y mi conciencia

Hace tiempo atrás, estando yo en clases de francés en la Alianza Francesa de Coronel Suárez, me puse a aprovechar un tiempito libre para revisar un material nuevo llegado desde Francia para la Alianza. El material incluía un VHS con varios video clips de distintas bandas francesas que estaban sonando …

Last post from DebConf 8

This will be (I guess) my last post from DebConf 8. It has been a great time here. I really hope I can make it to DC9. And do not forget: [¡¡¡Happy 15th Birthday Debian!!! ]{style="font-size:180%;"}