Early announce: Qt4 removal in Jessie+1

We the Debian Qt/KDE Team want to early-announce [maintainer warning] our decision to remove Qt4 from Jessie+1. This warning is mostly targeted at upstreams. Qt4 has been deprecated since Qt5's first release on December 19th 2012, that means almost two years ago! So far we had bugfixes-only releases …

Qt 5.3.2 in Wheezy-backports: just a few hours away

In more ~~or less 24 hs~~ a few days most of Qt 5.3.2 will be available as a Wheezy backport. That means that if you are using Debian stable you don't need to wait for Jessie: just wait a few hours, add wheezy-backports's repo to your sources.list …

Qt5 in Jessie: we will release with 5.3.2

Qt 5.3.2 has entered testing a few hours ago. This will be the version of Qt we will release with Debian Jessie, and it happens to be a nice coincidence, because upstream focused in stability for the 5.3 branch. I'll now focus in fixing as many bugs …

Call for help from Debian's KDE Team

Hi all! [ ]{.Apple-style-span style="background-color: #ffffe8; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 1px; color: #141312; font-family: 'Liberation Mono'; font-size: 16px;"} For quite a while now the KDE team has been severely understaffed. We maintain a lot of packages, with many different kinds of bugs, but we don't have enough people to do all …