Articles tagged with #softwarelibre

Qt 4 removal in Debian testing (Buster)/unstable

We have been announcing it: we are going to remove Qt 4 during the Buster cycle. Or at least that's the best outcome we can expect. Removing a very highly used library is hard, as Qt4's Webkit has proved. Qt 4 is long dead upstream and we have already started …

Qt 5.7 submodules that didn't make it to Stretch but will be in testing

There are two Qt 5.7 submodules that we could not package in time for Strech but are/will be available in their 5.7 versions in testing. This are qtdeclarative-render2d-plugin and qtvirtualkeyboard. declarative-render2d-plugin makes use of the Raster paint engine instead of OpenGL to render the contents of a …

Developing an nrf51822 based embedded device with Qt Creator and Debian

I'm currently developing an nRF51822-based embedded device. Being one the Qt/Qt Creator maintainers in Debian I would of course try to use it for the development. Turns out it works pretty good... with some caveats. There are already two quite interesting blog posts about using Qt Creator on MAC …

KDEPIM ready to be more broadly tested

As was posted a couple of weeks ago, the latest version of KDEPIM has been uploaded to unstable. All packages are now uploaded and built and we believe this version is ready to be more broadly tested. If you run unstable but have refrained from installing the kdepim packages up …