Articles tagged with #qt

QExtSerialPort in Debian experimental

After some rants about the status of different Qt-based serial port libs, I'm happy to announce that today QExtSerialPort was accepted in Debian experimental (this last link may give a 404 for some time, that's ok). A great effort was done upstream to put the source in a suitable …

QtSerialPort: a new hope

Some time ago I wrote about the status of Qt-based libs for using the serial port. Some days later I was pointed to the QtSerialPort project. The good news on this is that this is a project aimed to enter into Qt 5. I have tested the lib with some …

Entretenimiento en vuelo: volando con Emirates

Algún tiempo atrás ví un video sobre el uso de Qt en plataformas de inflight entertainment (entretenimiento en vuelo) de Panasonic: `{=html} `{=html} Pensé que iba a pasar bastante hasta que viera un sistema así en vivo y en directo... arriba de un avión (lo digo porque lamentablemente no he …

The license mess with serial port Qt-based libs

I am currently working on a Qt-based app that needs to communicate through the serial port. Apart from all the benefits that a normal lib with a serial port implementation will bring in this case, having a Qt-based serial port lib would make even more sense, as it should …