Pablo Odorico pointed me to some links of universities subjects recommending QAntenna :-D It is very good to see that someone uses our humble software :-) It's a pity that my studies do not allow me to code much :-( There are lot of things I would like to improve and/or …
I can't believe we are already on Wednesday :-D . DebCamp has been great so far. To give you some ideas, I'm typing this next to people who is hacking NEO runners, people working with VoIP, or embedded systems like Balloon Board or Beagle Board. I already had the pleasure to …
QAntenna has been having some bugs since the change from Qt 4.3 to 4.4. They are all fixed in the trunk, and we are now working for a minor release (0.2.1). Today I'll try to fix the normals of the radiation patterns, as they are really …