The first Qt 5 packages have been accepted in Debian experimental. What's there qtbase-opensource-src: lib[concurrent core dbus gui network opengl printsupport sql test widgets xml], examples, development packages and debug symbols. qttools-opensource-src: lib[qtlucene designer help], qdbus, development headers and debugging symbols. qtjsbackend-opensource-src: libqt5v8-5 qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src qtchooser, which allows to …
I have just uploaded Qt 4.8.4 to experimental. Apart from being the newest upstream release of the 4 series, it adds the basic support for coexisting with Qt 5. Because of this support it will need to go trough the NEW queue though, so we will need to …
Mientras reviso los bugs del equipo Qt-KDE de Debian, no es raro encontrar gente que reporta que se sesión de KDE está muy lenta. La gran mayoría de las veces el problema es que la interfaz de loopback (aka lo) no está habilitada. A veces el usuario hizo algo mal …
While digging Debian Qt-KDE's bugs, it has become more common to find people reporting that their KDE is very slow. Most of the time (if not every time) it turns out that the loopback interface is down. Sometimes the user did something wrong, sometimes some network manager, but the end …