Articles tagged with #debconf8

I guess I did not explain myself correctly

Today I was in Paul Wise's BOF "Bits from NMs and users"]( As the talk was about what users like and do not like about Debian, I asked why do we don't have a simple way of doing a …

DebConf starts!

And in the front desk we are ready to give bags and T-Shirts to 96 people according to Penta. Today Christoph Helwigg arrived. He suscribed to Penta yesterday, so we don't know if we have room for him :S (of course that's fixable). So, let's see what happens :-D

Nuevo nick en IRC

Gracias a Amaya y a Zer0mdq, ahora tengo nuevo nick en IRC, PowerMan. Suena a típico héroe de cuarta, pero la verdad es que tiene una lógica por detrás: en cierta forma soy el encargado de la parte eléctrica de DebConf. Gran parte del trabajo lo hizo la gente del …

In DebCamp

I can't believe we are already on Wednesday :-D . DebCamp has been great so far. To give you some ideas, I'm typing this next to people who is hacking NEO runners, people working with VoIP, or embedded systems like Balloon Board or Beagle Board. I already had the pleasure to …